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 Posted: Nov 14, 2021 03:50PM
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took it for one last drive before winter, filled it with premium gas and put it in the corner of the garage until next year

 Posted: Sep 28, 2021 04:02AM
 Edited:  Sep 28, 2021 04:33AM
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Skeeter, I'm afraid you have gotten your facts about DOT 4 and silicone based brake fluid mixed up. DOT 4 has a higher wet and dry boiling point than DOT 3. Brake fluids of any DOT # should not be mixed.

DOT 5.1 is silicone based and has 30% glycol. DOT 3, DOT4, & DOT 5.1 are all hygroscopic meaning they attract water. These fluids should be changed as part of a maintenance program.

I have been using DOT 5 in my daily driver mini for decades and never had a failure in the rear wheel cylinders or the master cylinder. The rear wheel  cylinders are the first to fail by attracting water and rusting. This is because water is heavier than brake fluid and the rear cylinders are the lowest point. I also use DOT 5 in my clutch hydraulic system without a problem. DOT 5 does not attract water.

People certainly have opinions about using DOT 5, some swear by it, others dislike it.

 Posted: Sep 27, 2021 06:17AM
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Installed a new Brake Master Cylinder and fully bled the brakes. Has made a significant difference to the feel of the pedal. 

The old Master Cylinder started leaking fluid down onto the carpet. When I bought the car I had a local garage give it a quick once over and they bled the brakes, so I think they used Silicone based DOT4 which has eaten through all of the seals. 

Thats the last time I trust a garage with anything. 

 Posted: Sep 24, 2021 05:07AM
 Edited:  Sep 24, 2021 05:24AM
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Weeks turned into 8 1/2 months when I started derusting the under side of my mini. I cut out the rusted bits back to good metal, replaced with the same gauge stainless steel patch panels and welded in place. Rust was in every inside and outside corner (I have a small box and pan brake
to make these panels). Creating weep holes and reopening the sealed plugs replacing them with rubber plugs.  Grinding, wire wheeling, dremeling  and scraping all the welds and the factory undercoating, to hand brushing a two part epoxy primer and then a two part epoxy top coat. I finalized the derusting process by having some rattle cans made up with the original color to  color match for the parts that show. One last thing, I sprayed fluid film into the rocker panel boxes. Now I'm moving to the corners of the engine bay.  I did all this without taking my mini off the road -  My rolling restoration. I'm very pleased with the outcome. To be continued...

 Posted: Sep 7, 2021 04:00AM
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I had some actual mini work done, got my AEG 163 " they're always cracked" head from my 1071 crack tested and refreshed. No cracks, should up it's value.

 Posted: Sep 1, 2021 04:41AM
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Put a new cover on my spare rear seat back to replace the crusty one in my Elf. I went with a MKII pattern to go better with my Miata front seats. 


 Posted: Aug 10, 2021 09:00AM
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Went for an hours drive up thru the twisties on the hill behind Newberg Or.  That rear sway bar sure is nice.  Closer to oversteer.  Some Subaru showed up behind me but he couldn't stay with me on the really tight turns.  Then stopped at one of my favorite spots for their great "Barrel salad" and a glass of wine.

 Posted: Aug 10, 2021 08:06AM
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Oh no!!! Here we go again!!!

 Posted: Aug 10, 2021 07:37AM
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roll cage installed today


 Posted: Jul 26, 2021 04:53AM
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Working on my mustang mostly, but I have run through 4 tanks of fuel in the mini and am enjoying every drop.

 Posted: Jul 26, 2021 12:35AM
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Thought about taking it to Mini Club coffee run..... But it was snowing so took the Golf instead :)

Cheers, Ian

PS I mention this because snow is very rare down here ... but we've had 3 falls in the last week or so....


 Posted: Jul 25, 2021 11:59AM
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I went around the entire mini replacing all the rotted corners with new stainless sheet metal. Replaced the outer rockers. Did a rolling restoration. Took 7 months not a week, still have lots more to do.

 Posted: Jan 19, 2021 03:34PM
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replaced the fan belt - my that just does squeeze by the plastic fan blades....   The squealing has stopped and the generator light only flickers at idle....... Had a nice run to Bonita Bills- "No shirt?, No Shoes?- Can I get you a beer?"

Kim  Morris 850 MkI

 Posted: Jan 19, 2021 02:37PM
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Replaced the red dot cones with new red dot cones.  Still impatiently waiting for them to settle to an acceptable height after putting 800-1000 miles on the car.

 Posted: Jan 19, 2021 12:54PM
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Took it off a rotis.
Installed subframes and suspension....attached wheels/tyres
reattached 3 doors
dropped in a non running 998
Now it's a roller.....ready for it's new owner who is hopefully having it picked up next week.



"Everybody should own a MINI at some point, or you are incomplete as a human being" - James May

"WET COOPER", Partsguy1 (Terry Snell of Penticton BC ) - Could you send the money for the unpaid parts and court fees.
Ordered so by a Judge




 Posted: Jan 19, 2021 08:18AM
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Originally Posted by Dan Moffet
I've never seen "bulk" and "Mini" in the same sentence before!
I did a bulk oil change this weekend. 4 Minis :)

 Posted: Jan 18, 2021 07:41PM
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I sat in it and hid out from another tree falling wind storm

 Posted: Jan 16, 2021 02:54PM
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I've never seen "bulk" and "Mini" in the same sentence before!


"Hang on a minute lads....I've got a great idea."

 Posted: Jan 16, 2021 06:11AM
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Like Dan, I squeezed past the entire 10'1" and 1430lbs of its bulk to get to some more shovels and some spare jerry cans to top up the snowblowers. We're probably getting the same system as Dan.

The classic Mini does not emerge from it's confines for the next 3 months or so, while the modern Binis get beaten and tortured
all winter, every winter.

  ~ 30 minutes in a Mini is more therapeutic than 3 sessions @ the shrink. ~

  Mike  Cool  NB, Canada   

 Posted: Jan 16, 2021 05:35AM
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I will have to walk past it to get to the snowblower. (Sigh) We are supposed to get 8"-10" of wet, heavy snow today.


"Hang on a minute lads....I've got a great idea."

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