Mini Club Discount Codes

Have a Mini Club?  Would your members enjoy a discount code to save on part and accessory orders for their MINI Coopers or Classic Minis? Of course they would!  Luckily, Mini Mania offers vanity codes to Mini clubs for their members to save money when they shop online at!  In exchange, all we ask is that you either link to us or better yet let us provide you with a small banner to display on your website or a post for your forum.  Simply email us at to get your club code and instructions for linking/displaying a banner.   Please see our selection of banners below.  If you need a different size let us know.

Mini Club Event Sponsorships

If your club is planning a Mini Meet and would like some goodies or raffle prizes to offer we are happy to help!  Based on the size of your event we will send you a sponsor kit including Mini Mania decals, t-shirts, hats and even Mini Mania gift certificates!  We will ship these kits free of charge if your club is in the continental United States.  If not, we just ask for you to cover the cost of shipping.  To request a Mini Mania Sponsorship Kit please email us at and include the following information:

  • Name of club
  • Date of event
  • Club/event website
  • Number of Mini owners attending
  • Number of MINIs expected
  • How often event occurs (annually, monthly, etc.)
  • Name & Address where we should ship your kit along with a contact phone number
  • General overview of your event - include what will happen with any products we send you.  Door prizes?  Raffle prizes? Given away? Be sure to tell us how you would like us to contribute.

Link Banners to:
